Wednesday 2 May 2012

Walt- Write informative,interesting sentences.

1.Find the meaning of the following words:Caucasian,Complexion,Absence,Sovereigns,Resistant

and Corrosin.

2.Use each word in an informative,interesting sentences.

Caucasian: means relating to a group having white skin.
Complexion: means the nautral colour texture of the skin.
Absence: means The time during which one is away.
Sovereigns: means coins example: i like sovereigns.
Resistant: means to reist.
Corrosion: means process of corroding

The caucasian man was locked up because he stole pineapple.
The man got teased cause of his complexion.
The boy was absence from school.
The man and the boy likes sovereigns.
The man could not resistant steeling.
The boy saw a corrosion on the hill.

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