Thursday, 21 June 2012

How to attach a powerpoint video

You have to save your powerpoint as a windows media video.Then you come to your blog and click new post and where the link is you click the video little picture there and click that.Then click upload and select your powerpoint video then wait until video has uploaded. It might take a while as in hours.This is how you attach your powerpoint video on your blog.

Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Snow Storms

I learnt that snow can trap you in your house for days or weeks with no food .snow storms start when winds get high and tempture drops. Snow storms most occur in North America and Canada. Saint Berands can resurce people under 20 feet of snow.the montreal in Canada was one of the biggest snow storm ever been. I also learnt how a tornadoes can pick you up and drop you back down like 5miles ahead and it will damage anything in its a tornado you should not hide under a bridge.Tsumimes start from a underwater earthquake and then the the waves go up to shore and will damage anything in its way. You shold not try to out run a a earthquake you should stay under a table or a door frame.

Sunday, 10 June 2012


Dear Editor I think in Rotorua we should have lots of theme parks like Gold Coast and we should have some of the same things like Sea world and Movie world Thank you.

The seven natual wonders of the world

Grand Canyon
Great Barrier Reef
Harbor of Rio de Janeiro
Mount Everest
ParĂ­cutin volcano
Victoria Falls